Join us for Church
Every Sunday at 11 AM ET
Our Pastors
Campus Pastor: Chris Miller
Cell: 574-780-3225
Teaching Pastor: Heath Hiatt
Cell: 219-863-0352
Associate Pastor: Mitch Jensen
Cell: 574-806-6749
Associate Pastor: Amy Schuler
Cell: 574-952-0567
Campus Forms
Are you a first time guest with children? Fill out this form to save you some time when checking in!
Event Request (Ministry Related)
Use this form to get your event added to the Church Calendar, App, and Announcements.
Love Our City Block Party Trailer Request
Want to host a Love Our City Block Party? Fill out this form to reserve the trailer and we will even make your marketing materials!
If you are a regular attender or member of the general public and want to use the building for an event, please fill out this form.
Small-Group Leader Application
Interested in leading a Small Group? Fill out this form and someone will reach out with more information.
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